Enter a magical kingdom where you can sail with pirates, explore exotic jungles, meet fairy-tale princesses, dive under the ocean and rocket through the stars—all in the same day! Disneyland California is the only theme park designed and built under the direct supervision of Walt Disney. The secret to Disneyland is its ability to change yet, remain the same. As Walt Disney said "Disneyland will never be completed." Each year this day on the trip brings new adventures, attractions, and show stopping entertainment! It's truly a remarkably magical place.
This group was given up to 16 hours to enjoy this magical land of wonderment. A few took advantage and actually stayed almost the entire day, sun up to sun down! Space Mountain, Toy Story, Splash Mountain, and the Tea Cups were all a big hit. Our hotel is right across from the front entrance, which made it convenient for some of the groups to come back midday, do some laundry, nap, enjoy the pool and hot tub, freshen up and then hit the park again in the evening.
The group was most pleased with their extended curfew, making them feel like true young adults. They handled themselves maturely and nothing but positive comments about the day were heard upon check in. Non stop park action combined with crazy heat makes for a group of tired teens! They should all sleep extra sound tonight. Tomorrow is another busy one as we begin to wrap up our last few days on the coast!
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